Feature-based Similarity Assessment for Re-using CAD Models

CAD 모델 재사용을 위한 특징형상기반 유사도 측정에 관한 연구

  • Received : 2010.07.21
  • Accepted : 2010.11.09
  • Published : 2011.02.01


Similarity assessment of a CAD model is one of important issues from the aspect of model re-using. In real practice, many new mechanical parts are designed by modifying existing ones. The reuse of part enables to save design time and efforts for the designers. Design time would be further reduced if there were an efficient way to search for existing similar designs. This paper proposes an efficient algorithm of similarity assessment for mechanical part model with design history embedded within the CAD model. Since it is possible to retrieve the design history and detailed-feature information using CAD API, we can obtain an accurate and reliable assessment result. For our purpose, our assessment algorithm can be divided by two: (1) we select suitable parts by comparing MSG (Model Signature Graph) extracted from a base feature of the required model; (2) detailed-features' similarities are assessed with their own attributes and reference structures. In addition, we also propose a indexing method for managing a model database in the last part of this article.



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