A Study on the Registration of Patent and Utility Models by Fashion Firms in Korea -Focus on IPC A41B and A41D-

패션기업의 특허.실용신안 등록현황에 관한 연구 -IPC분류코드 A41B와 A41D를 중심으로-

  • Received : 2010.11.04
  • Accepted : 2010.12.15
  • Published : 2011.02.28


This study analyzed the registration of patent and utility models by fashion firms in Korea. A total of 2,291 registration cases of IPC A41B-H from the period of 1996 to 2009 were collected by KIPRIS of the Korean Intellectual Property Organization (KIPO). All cases were analyzed by year to review the longitudinal trend and 481 cases of IPC A41B (shirts, underwear, baby linen, and handkerchiefs) and 1088 cases of IPC A41D (outerwear, protective garments, and accessories) were analyzed by content (provided benefit type and developing method), by detailed product items and the characteristics of the applicant. The results of this study were as follows: 1) Registration of IPC 41 increased steeply by the year (especially since 2006) and the patent registrations increased more than those in the utility model. 2) Analyzing the application content of A41B on the basis of benefit showed that 75% were to provide new functions and the rest were for health. In terms of the developing method, 83% of benefit provided by the application were by design development, 11.2% were by material, and the rest was by process, In the cases of IPC A41D, 23.6% were for safety and protection. In terms of the developing method, the process and material development were more frequently adopted than in the cases of A41B. 3) The major product types of A41B were socks, underwear, and infant wear, whereas gloves and parts of clothing were major items in A41D. 4) In terms of the characteristics of the applicant, registration by firms was greater for patents than for utility models and registration by foreigners increased in 2006 due to the complete opening of the retail market. 5) Fifteen universities registered for a total 57 cases and major applications were for IT related clothing or high-tech protective items.



Supported by : 한성대학교


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