A Study on Tendency of Extended Balcony Unit Plans of LH Corp

LH공사 발코니확장형아파트 단위세대 평면계획경향에 관한 연구

  • Received : 2010.12.29
  • Accepted : 2011.02.09
  • Published : 2011.02.28


The purpose of this study was to analyze the type of extended-balcony floor plan which has been reflected as a various forms after making amendment to the apartment extended-balcony legislation on December 2005 and to understand the design tendency of housing unit plan and the characteristic of living space planning by the type of size(pyeong) and extension. The objects of analysis and the plans are 333 example(235 of $84m^2$, 98 of $59m^2$) from the LH corporation competition. The design tendency of balcony space after extension is as follows; First, a type of extension for simple area to increase the area of room adjacent to balcony through balcony extension. Second, a type of functional reinforcement for private room to separate the mixed function followed by strengthening the individual function of the private room. Third, a type of ${\alpha}$-room to play new functions as hobby room, study room, soho-type room with working from home by extending balcony. Fourth, a integrated type to increase flexible efficiency of bed room, living room and kitchen by integrating extended-balcony from the flexible plan. Along with the evaluation of living style through user's environment-behavior research and the counterplan for evacuation space, indoor thermal environment and space for fulfilling the original function of balcony should be proposed in the future study.



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