A study on toothbrushing habits depending in some of middle school students

일부 지역 중학생들의 잇솔질 습관에 관한 연구

  • Received : 2011.09.21
  • Accepted : 2011.12.15
  • Published : 2011.12.30


Objectives : This study was carried out in order to contribute to preventing dental caries, which is the biggest disease in adolescence and to promoting oral health by implanting a right habit on oral care targeting adolescents, and further to offer basic help to proceeding with making the better health life. Methods : This study carried out questionnaire survey targeting 1,100 students of middle schools where are located in small and medium-sized cities of Gyeongnam from March 7-18, 2011. Statistical processing was performed frequency analysis and cross tabulation, by using SPSSWIN 12.0 program. Results : As for middle school students' oral health education experience, the group with educational experience was indicated to be 52.9% for girl students and 47.1% for boy students(p<.05) in case of gender. Toothbrushing time was indicated to be the highest with 25.6% in 'after having breakfast'. The appearance of toothbrushing after having lunch at school was indicated to be 53.3% for girl students and 26.3% for boy students(p<.001) by gender. The most important reason for toothbrushing accounted for 82.1% in the 1st grade, 71.1% in the 2nd grade, and 67.4% in the 3rd grade depending on school year as for the response as saying of 'aiming to prevent decayed tooth and gum disease.' Thus, the lower school year led to having indicated to be higher in response as saying of brushing teeth for preventing decayed tooth and gum disease(p<.001). As for a toothbrushing method by gender, boy students accounted for 24.2% in response as saying of 'brushing teeth freely', thereby having been indicated to be higher than 15.0% for girl students(p<.001). Conclusions : In order for toothbrushing method to be rightly practiced and habituated continuously, there will be a need of changing adolescents' awareness and of being driven systematically and continuously through oral health education. School oral health education, which can nurture right attitude and habit of oral health care, is thought to be necessarily expanded and executed.



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