A Study on Purchase Behavior and Design Preference of Luxury Hand Bag Users aged 20 to 30 by Lifestyle and Age Variable

20-30대 명품 핸드백 소유자를 대상으로 라이프스타일과 연령에 따른 구매행동 및 디자인 선호도 분석

  • Kim, Chil-Soon (Dept. of Textile and Clothing Design, Kyung Hee University) ;
  • Lee, Jin (Dept. of Fashion Art, Graduate School of Art Fusion Design, Kyung Hee University)
  • 김칠순 (경희대학교 의류디자인학과) ;
  • 이진 (경희대학교 패션아트학과)
  • Received : 2011.08.25
  • Accepted : 2011.12.26
  • Published : 2011.12.31


The purpose of this study was to observe premium handbag users who are 20 to 30 year old of age, to determine purchase behavior and design preference of handbags by lifestyle and age variable to help market segmentation. A survey instrument was used. A sample was selected by quota sampling method from 20 to 30 aged Korean women, and reliable 538 data were analyzed by SPSS. Cluster type towards lifestyle and age were independent variable. There are two types of lifestyle clusters toward luxury handbags; Strongly favored and weakly favored group toward luxury handbags. Strongly favored group of luxury goods considered more brand, country of origin, and trend, while young people considered more new arrival of design in purchase of products. Preferred design type of hand bag was statistically associated with age variable. 20s consumers preferred shopper bag style and big size of handbags. Leather was preferred by the group of the strongly favored luxury goods. Through this research finding, we hope handbag brand market segmentation will be based on lifestyle and age variable to reflect customer's demand.



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