General Characteristics and Housing Environments of Agricultural Households by Eup.Myun Area : Analyses of 2008 Survey Data on the Rural Living Indicators

전국 농가의 읍.면 거주지역별 일반적 특성과 주거환경 비교 : 2008 농촌생활지표 자료를 중심으로

  • Cho, Jae-Soon (Dept. of Home Economics Education, Korea National Univ. of Education)
  • 조재순 (한국교원대학교 제3대학 가정교육과)
  • Received : 2011.03.11
  • Accepted : 2011.06.20
  • Published : 2011.06.30


The purpose of this study was to find out the nationwide general characteristics and housing environments of agricultural households and the differences of them by Eup-Myun Areas. The data were subsample of the 2008 survey on the rural living indicators collected by the rural development administration. Only agricultural households, 73.7% of the original nationwide data (1,461 households out of 1,983) sampled by multi-stage stratified clustering methods and face to face interview in Aug. 2008, were selected and the cross-tabulation(X2) was mainly used to find the difference by Eup Myun areas through spss 12.0 for window. The results showed that the general characteristics of agricultural households such as head of household, family, and economic characteristics were mainly differed by Eup Myun Areas. Agricultural households in Eup area were more likely low in the general characteristics than were those in Myun area. Housing environments were less likely than the general characteristics differed by Eup Myun areas. Improvements of drinking water system, housing alteration, oder, and garbage system were needed to increase the satisfaction with residential environments of agricultural households. This study suggests the use of annual survey on the rural living indicators data would be applicable to various research subjects of home economics.



Supported by : 한국교원대학교


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