The Economic Effects and Operating Characteristics of the Outdoor Unit in Accordance with Zoning Plan of Gas Engine Driven Heat Pump Installed in the University Building

대학 건물에 설치된 가스엔진구동 히트펌프(GHP) 실외기의 조닝 계획에 따른 운전 특성과 경제적 효과

  • Received : 2011.09.06
  • Accepted : 2011.11.23
  • Published : 2012.01.10


The purpose of this study is to analyze of the operating characteristics of the Gas engine driven Heat Pump(GHP) and to reduce maintenance costs through the most Economical plan. As the zoning modifications that have economic effects were confirmed. Applications should be made with a similar purpose of the space. The combination of a modified space has led to reduced operating hours of the outdoor unit. The reduction of the outdoor unit operating hours, reducing maintenance costs accordingly. When analyzed at six years have elapsed, the amount of savings through zoning modifications is more than an additional construction cost. During the design phase, cost-effective operation of the GHP is required for the proper zoning plan.



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