A Study of Student Satisfaction from Beauty Art-Related Departments on Educational Assessments

미용관련학과 학생들의 교육과정 주요요인과 교육만족도

  • Kwon, Do-Hui (Department of Health Care Administration, Graduate School of Kosin University) ;
  • Jung, Young-Ae (Busan Institute of Science and Technology)
  • 권도희 (고신대학교 대학원 보건과학과) ;
  • 정영애 (부산과학기술대학교 피부미용과)
  • Received : 2012.10.19
  • Accepted : 2012.10.25
  • Published : 2012.12.30


This study is aimed to improve future-oriented curriculum by investigating the satisfaction of students from beauty art-related departments on their curriculum and major courses and proposing their basic direction and improvement plan. For this, a survey was conducted against students from beauty art-related departments in Busan (5 junior colleges and 1 four-year university). The following results were obtained: First, according to a correlation analysis on major questionnaire items on the curriculum in beauty art-related departments, statistical significance was observed in 'curriculum development', 'facility and administrative & financial supports', 'instructor/teacher activities', 'educational evaluation activities', 'academia-industry cooperation activities' and 'output evaluation'. In terms of educational satisfaction, statistical significance was observed in all positive relations. Second, according to regression analysis on the evaluation of curriculum output factors in beauty art-related departments, output factor levels were high as 'academia-industry cooperation activities', 'age', 'teacher/instructor activities', curriculum requirement analysis' and 'curriculum development' were high. In overall, relatively good results (69.0%) were observed. A further study needs to be performed for improvement of satisfaction of students majoring in beauty art on their curriculum in educating students from beauty art-related departments by applying their educational evaluation to optimum standards.



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