Defect Judgement Standard for Concrete Cracks of Apartment Building

공동주택 콘크리트 균열의 하자판정 기준

  • Received : 2012.08.21
  • Published : 2012.11.25


The number of apartment housing increased rapidly due to housing supply promotion policy carried out at the late 1980's. The disputes over defect of apartment building and accrued lawsuits also increase due to the various causes including quality of apartment and they incurs the social and economic problem. Crack defect is the most popular type of defect for the reinforced concrete works. The defect repair cost for the reinforced concrete work occupies about 50% of them for whole works. Lawsuits without any negotiation and arbitration for the defect spread throughout the country as there is not any judgement standard for the defect. Minimizing disputes and lawsuits caused by defect of concrete crack, defect judgement standard should be established. To suggest the standard of tolerable crack defect, this study examined the related standards, legal judgement cases, judgement standard alternatives, and expert interviews, questionaire survey. As the result, the tolerable crack range for the structural safety and the durability as 0.3mm~0.4mm and the watertightness tolerable crack width as 0.1mm, and the appearance tolerable crack width as 0.2mm are suggested.



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