Analysis on Housing Planning Improvement Features for the Elderly based on the Lifetime Home Concept

생애주택 개념을 적용한 고령자 주택의 계획요소와 개선방안

  • 이소영 (중앙대 실내환경디자인전공) ;
  • 유성은 (중앙대 실내환경디자인전공)
  • Received : 2012.07.04
  • Published : 2012.10.25


With increase of aging population, one of the most important issue is to enable for elderly people to live independently in their own house. The purpose of this study is to explore similarities and differences in several regulations and guidelines for elderly housing, especially focusing on adaptability and accessibility, to analyze inaccessible problems in the case houses, and to provide suggestions for the housing design. In some multi-family houses, it is impossible to acquire barrier free through renovation since there are absolute lacks of space, inaccessible stairs, floor level differences and the structure of houses. Therefore it is important to apply lifetime home concept in an earlier planning stage. Among the space, bath room was the most inconvenient space, which is inaccessible due to the floor level differences, improper arrangement of toilet, basin, and bath, lack of clearance of doors, and improper direction of door openings. In the multi-family house cases, limited living space, stairs, and level differences are critical problems. Based on the guidelines of Lifetime homes, Fair Housing Act and KS criteria, housing improvement features for the case houses were suggested to make it possible to renovate house that is accessible and convenient for the elderly. It is necessary to develop various accessible plan types for small housing and bathroom and kitchen standards that persons with aging, even in wheelchairs can use conveniently and live independently.



Supported by : 한국연구재단


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