Characteristics of Aging-in-Place Oriented Groups with Middle and Old Aged in Kyungnam Area

중고령층의 지역 내 계속거주 지향 군집의 특성 분석 - 경남지역 거주자를 중심으로 -

  • Published : 2012.06.30


The aim of this study was to discriminate the aging-in-place orientation with middle and old aged of Kyungnam area and build on the systematic aging-in-community environment. Their aging-in-place orientation and NORC needs were highly positive. Especially NORC needs were sympathized with their independent later lives. Social services needs also were as highly positive at the well-being medical service, leisure supportive service, traffic supportive service and so on. Personal and fundamental supportive services have split at the Factor Analysis. Two groups were divided by living place, length of living place, aging-in-place orientation, NORC needs and social services needs at the Discriminant Analysis. Group 1 was older and longer and higher than group 2 at age, length of living place, aging-in-place attitudes, NORC needs and social services needs. NORC needs didn't affect directly at aging-in-place attitudes, but affected directly at social supportive services. It was recognized the outside living environment renovation was more important than indoor.



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