A Study of Infill System for a small scale Skeleton/Infill Housing

소규모 SI집합주택의 인필(Infill)계획 특성에 관한 연구

  • 이용규 (제주대학교 건축학부) ;
  • 김연준 (경성대학교 국제무역통상학과)
  • Published : 2012.09.30


Recently, due to a low birth rate and aging, small sized households with one or two member(s) are dramatically being increased in South Korea. For these reasons, a number of small-scale housings with flexibility become popular. Skeleton/Infill Housing in Japan had been developed in order to provide a solution to the modern problem of the need to respond flexibly to diversify demands on housing. In this system, the "skeleton" like building structure, which has a social nature, is separated from "infill" such as interior furnishings, which have more individuality. The public body was the unified supplier of the skeleton, and the private sector satisfied each household's needs in terms of infill using an approach of demander's participation However, nowadays, Skeleton/Infill Housing is required to solve an entirely new housing problem. For this reason, this study aims to clear the Planning methodology of infill system in Skeleton/Infill Housing which is able to can provide appropriate information to improve the small scaled housings for one or two member(s).



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