The Influence of Family-Friendly Life Environment Satisfaction and Role Conflict Coping Strategies on Role Satisfaction and Role Strain of Dual-Earner Employed Men and Women

가족친화적 생활환경 만족도와 역할갈등의 대처전략이 맞벌이 취업남녀의 역할만족도와 역할긴장도에 미치는 영향

  • 박주희 (성신여자대학교 사회복지학과)
  • Published : 2012.07.31


The purpose of this study is to investigate family-friendly life environmental satisfaction(spatial environment, family support facilities, family support programs) and strategies of coping with role conflicts (strategies of coping structurally, individually and reactively) on role satisfaction and role strain of employed men and women who are dual-earning couples. Data were collected from 206 employed men and women who are dual earner couples residing in the Seoul area. The results as follows: Firstly, all of the subjects in this study reached their heights of satisfaction with spatial environment, the majority of them resorted to strategies of coping individually, and they experienced role satisfaction on a level higher than that of role strain. Secondly, concerning factors that affecting the level of role satisfaction of the subjects, the higher the level of role satisfaction with the more frequently they used structural way of coping with role conflicts. Thirdly, concerning factors that affecting the level of role strain of the subjects, the higher the level of role satisfaction with the spatial environment was, and the more frequently they resorted to reactive way of coping with role conflicts.



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