A Study on the Effect of SNS Satisfaction on the Reliability and Continuous Use of Social Commerce

SNS 만족도가 소셜커머스 신뢰성 및 지속사용에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구

  • 문종범 (건국대학교 벤처전문기술학과) ;
  • 김인섭 (건국대학교 벤처전문기술학과) ;
  • 정원준 (한영외국어고등학교)
  • Published : 2012.07.31


SNS based Social commerce is becoming an issue in our economy and is increasing drastically. Even though there is relatively low entry barrier, the Big three social commerce companies account for more than 50% of the total Korean market. It is required to understand and prepare the characteristics of social commerce when start a new business in social commerce area. In addition, consumer complaints are also increasing due to the relatively low level of services in social commerce. Any social commerce company is not able to provide basic services and it shows a loophole such as customer management. There are these problems in the sales-driven social commerce. Players of social commerce marketplace are divided into consumer, supplier, and seller. This study tried to figure out the relationship among SNS satisfaction, Social Commerce Reliability and Continuous Usage. Based on the results of empirical analysis, we suggests business strategy for social commerce companies. The results of this study can be summarized that there are structural relationship among SNS attitudes, SNS satisfaction, reliability, and continuous use of social commerce. Concretely, SNS attitudes influence to SNS satisfaction and the SNS satisfaction influence to reliability and continuous use of social commerce.



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