Exclusive Breastfeeding Rates of Breastfeeding-Willing Mothers and Its Influencing Factors by the 1st, 3rd, and 6th Month of Postpartum

모유수유 의도 어머니의 산후 1, 3, 6개월의 완전모유수유율과 영향요인

  • 이선옥 (신라대학교 의생명과학대학 간호학과) ;
  • 나성순 (통곡모유수유크리닉) ;
  • 박경연 (신라대학교 의생명과학대학 간호학과)
  • Published : 2012.01.31


Objectives: The purpose of this study was to identify exclusive breastfeeding rates and factors which influence exclusive breastfeeding by postpartum periods among breastfeeding-willing mothers. Methods: The respondents were 191 mothers. Data were collected from June 1, 2010 to January 28, 2011 in a metropolitan city. Data were analyzed using the SPSS 19.0 program and included descriptive statistics, chi-square test, correlation, and logistic regression. Results: The major findings of this study were; Significant influencing factors on the exclusive breastfeeding at postpartum 1 month were planned pregnancy, support of rearing, insufficient amount of breast milk, problem of nipple, pregnancy, and concerned about undernourishment of breast milk. Predictors of exclusive breast feeding by postpartum 3 months were planned pregnancy, insufficient amount of breast milk, and concerned about undernourishment of breast milk. Predictors of exclusive breast feeding by postpartum 6 months were insufficient amount of breast milk, employment before delivery and conceiving next baby. Conclusions: Influential factors on exclusive breastfeeding turned up differences by postpartum periods among breastfeeding-willing mothers. Therefore, it is recommended that the variables should be considered in developing programs of breastfeeding education.



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