A Study on the Utilization of Substituted Agricultural Land in Small and Medium Sized Cities - Focused on the Dongtan new town in Hwa-seong city -

중소도시의 기존 대체농지 활용 방안에 관한 연구 - 화성동탄 신도시를 중심으로 -

  • 김용수 (서울시립대학교 대학원)
  • Published : 2012.05.25


The purpose of this study was to set and analyze the utilization of the substituted agricultural land in the Dongtan new town in Hwa-seong city. The results of this study were as follows. In the respect of the land efficiency and utilization, the need of the agricultural land in the Dongtan has shrunk. Therefore, the land should be reconsidered and developed as other purposes. The land could be developed as the weekend farm for the city people. The weekend farm is currently gaining popularity because the citizens want to not only experience the nature but also get a healthy food. So, the land in the new town could provide them with a good place. And the Han-ok(Traditional Korean style housing) is recently in the limelight of many people because of its healthy function and the special aesthetic, so the agricultural land of Dongtan could be a great opportunity to develop the Han-ok village. Lastly, the logistics center for agricultural products could be proposed. Because the traffic condition of the new town is satisfactory, the land is idealistic as the logistics center which connect the capital with the local. These practical uses of agricultural land in the Dongtan new town will be able to provide opportunities to improve the quality of life in the area and develop the land more efficiently.



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