The Casual Relationship among Career Decision-Making Self-Efficacy, Self-Leadership, Problem Solving Ability, and Career Motivation

대학생의 진로결정자기효능감과 셀프리더십, 개인이 인식한 문제해결력 및 진로동기의 인과적 관계

  • Kim, Bo-Kyung (Seoul National University) ;
  • Jyung, Chyul-Young (Department of Vocational Education & Workforce Development / Research Institute for Agriculture and Life Sciences, Seoul National University)
  • 김보경 (서울대학교) ;
  • 정철영 (서울대학교 농산업교육과/농업생명과학연구원)
  • Published : 2012.06.30


The purpose of this study was to identify the casual relationship among career decision-making self-efficacy, self-leadership, problem solving ability, and career motivation of undergraduates. The population of this study was the students attending four-year colleges or universities. With the stratified random sampling methods, 478 undergraduates were drawn from this population. All of the variables were measured by 2~4 measured variables. Career decision-making self-efficacy was consisted of goal selection, occupational information, planning, and problem-solving. Self-leadership was consisted of behavior-focused strategies, natural reward strategies, and constructive thought pattern strategies. Problem solving ability was consisted problem-solving confidence and approach-avoidance style. Career motivation was consisted of career identity, career insight, and career resilience. The results of this study were as follows: First, the fix indexed of causal model among career decision-making self-efficacy, self-leadership, problem solving ability, and career motivation were identified suitably. Second, self-leadership and career motivation of undergraduates have direct effect on career decision-making self-efficacy. However, problem solving ability has no direct effect on career decision-making self-efficacy. Third, the relationship between self-leadership and career decision-making self-efficacy has moderating effect and so did career motivation. Forth, the relationship between problem solving ability and career decision-making self-efficacy had moderating effect.

이 연구는 우리나라 대학생의 진로결정자기효능감과 셀프리더십, 개인이 인식한 문제해결력 및 진로동기의 관계를 구명하는데 그 목적이 있었다. 이를 위하여 4년제 일반대학교에 재학 중인 학생 478명(남학생 251, 여학생 227명)을 표집하였다. 이때 각각의 잠재변인은 진로결정자기효능감(목표선택, 직업정보, 문제해결, 미래계획), 셀프리더십(행동중심적 전략, 자연보상적 전략, 건설적사고 전략), 개인이 인식한 문제해결력(문제해결자신감, 접근-회피양식), 진로동기(진로정체감, 진로통찰력, 진로탄력성)를 설정 및 측정하였다. 수집된 자료는 구조방정식모형(Structural Equation Modeling)을 이용하여 분석하였으며, 구체적인 연구결과는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 대학생의 진로결정자기효능감과 셀프리더십, 개인이 인식한 문제해결력 및 진로동기 간의 인과모형의 적합도가 모두 양호한 것으로 나타나 변인 간의 인과관계를 타당하게 예측하였다. 둘째, 대학생의 셀프리더십과 진로동기는 진로결정자기효능감에 직접적으로 정적인 영향을 미쳤으나, 개인이 인식한 문제해결력의 진로결정자기효능감에 대한 영향은 유의미하지 않은 것으로 나타났다. 셋째, 대학생의 셀프리더십과 진로결정자기효능감의 관계에서 개인이 인식한 문제해결력과 진로동기는 모두 부분 매개효과를 보였다. 넷째, 대학생의 개인이 인식한 문제해결력과 진로결정자기효능감의 관계에서 진로동기는 완전 매개효과를 보였다.



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