The determinants of increasing privacy concerns in the mobile apps

  • Received : 2012.04.13
  • Accepted : 2012.06.17
  • Published : 2012.06.28


This study identifies the determinants of increasing privacy concerns in the mobile apps. The privacy affecting factors will be divided into the 3 categories on the basis of both users' and developers' perspective. First, this study explores whether the users' seeking value affects concern of the mobile apps privacy. Second, gender gap on the mobile privacy sensitivity will be tested. Third, this study identifies the meaning of apps developers' providing toolkit in the users' sensitivity on the privacy. The result showed that innovation among the customer's characteristics was identified the most significant factor to affect the mobile app privacy sensitivity. Ethical norm related variables (ethical identity, subjective norm and utilitarian value) were also identified as the meaningful variables in the mobile app privacy. Toolkits provided by app developers are also appeared a significant variable to affect the customer's app privacy sensitivity negatively. Finally gender also appears the meaningful factor in the mobile app privacy sensitivity.



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