An Empirical Study on Career Maturity, Achievement Goal, Learning Attitude and Academic Achievement of Middle School Students : Focused on Subjects-Related Career Education

중학생의 진로성숙도와 성취 목표, 학습 태도 및 학업성취도 실증적 고찰 : 교과연계 진로교육 경험을 중심으로

  • Received : 2012.08.23
  • Accepted : 2012.09.10
  • Published : 2012.10.31


The purpose of this study is to verify career maturity, achievement goal, learning attitude and academic achievement relation with subjects-related career education of middle school students. To achieve these aims, this study used SELS(Seoul education longitudinal study) of Seoul Education Research & Information Institute. Also, analysis as well as descriptive statistics calculation on average, deviation, skewness and kurtosis of variable factor and calculated characteristic item and degree of reliability(Cronbach ${\alpha}$). For goodness of fit test, this study used TLI(Tucker-Lewis index) and RMSEA(Root mean square error of approximation). To achieve the ultimate objects, this study used LMA(latent mean analysis) for analysis of difference career maturity, achievement goal, learning attitude and academic achievement relation with subjects-related career education in middle school students. The results are as follows. First, experience relation with subjects-related career education were influenced on career maturity with career cognition. Second, experience relation with subjects-related career education were influenced on achievement goal, learning attitude, and larger than career maturity and academic achievement. Third, experience relation with subjects-related career education were influenced on middle school students more than inexperienced relation with subjects-related career education.



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