Overview of relations between concepts of sub-health(Mibyung) and Korean medicine patterns

한의학의 미병 개념 및 변증과의 연관성에 대한 고찰

  • Received : 2012.07.17
  • Accepted : 2012.08.21
  • Published : 2012.08.31


Objectives : This work is aimed to reveal the relations between concepts of subhealth(mibyung) and Korean medicine patterns. Methods : We carried out a literature searching on Oasis, RISS, DBpia, Pubmed to summarize concepts of Mibyung. CNKI Searching also was performed with keyword related to mibyung(未病), subhealth(亞健康) and syndrome. Results : Korea, China and Japan have different concepts of mibyung. China's mibyung concept is relatively broader and wide which includes healthy, subhealth, development of disease and recurrence avoid. In contrast, Korea and Japan's mibyung concepts are focused on China's subhealth. Though Mibyung's patterns are varied widely depends on studies, China's studies of subhealth and TCM patterns showed that Deficiency patterns are diagnosed at high frequency in clinical study and literature study. Conclusions : This work could contribute to further study of subhealth(mibyung) and their relations to patterns, diagnostic methods and treatment efficacy.



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