Coffee extraction temperature, extraction time and drinking temperature on the difference in coffee taste and preference study

커피 추출온도, 추출시간, 음용온도에 따른 맛의 차이 및 선호도 연구

  • Kim, Yeong-Seon (Department of Health Environment, The Hoseo Graduate School of Venture) ;
  • Lee, Sang-Houck (Department of Health Environment, The Hoseo Graduate School of Venture)
  • 김영선 (호서대학교 벤처전문대학원 보건환경학과) ;
  • 이상혁 (호서대학교 벤처전문대학원 보건환경학과)
  • Received : 2013.09.25
  • Accepted : 2013.10.20
  • Published : 2013.10.28


This study examined the effect of 3 evaluation factors(extraction temperature, extraction time and drinking temperature) on the 5 tastes (sour, sweet, malty, salty and bitter) of coffee. the aim of this experiment were threefold: i) to investigate the change of the 5 tastes depending on the each 3 evaluation factor ii) to examine the change of the 5 tastes depending on the extraction time, drinking temperature under fixing the group of extraction temperature iii) to research the preference for the taste of coffee depending on 3 evaluation factors. As a result, in relation to the evaluation factors, significance difference was made at the sour taste. And when extraction temperature was higher and extraction time was longer, the sour taste was felt stronger. To the contrary, when drinking temperature was lower, sour was stronger. When the extraction Temperature group was controlled, the sour and malty taste were stronger. The sour taste was stronger when drinking temperature was lower and delicate flavor was stronger when drinking temperature was higher. High preference was demonstrated at extraction temperature($98^{\circ}C$), extraction time(0 minute), drinking temperature($60^{\circ}C$) and higher malty taste.

본 연구는 추출온도, 추출시간, 음용온도의 3가지 평가인자를 통해 5가지 커피 맛(신맛, 단맛, 구수한맛, 짠맛, 쓴맛)의 변화를 알아보았다. 본 실험에서는 1) 추출온도, 추출시간, 음용온도 각각의 평가 인자에 따른 커피 맛의 변화 2) 추출온도 그룹을 통제 후 추출시간, 음용온도에 따른 커피 맛의 변화 3) 3가지 평가인자에 따른 커피 맛의 선호도를 알아보았다. 평가인자와 관련하여 신맛에서 유의한 차이를 보였는데, 추출온도는 높고 추출시간은 길 때 신맛을 강하게 느끼는 반면 음용온도는 낮을 때 강하게 나타났다. 추출온도 그룹을 통제한 결과에서는 신맛과 구수한 맛에서 뚜렷한 차이를 보였다. 신맛은 음용온도가 낮을 때, 구수한 맛은 음용온도가 높을 때 강하게 느껴지는 것으로 나타났다. 추출온도($90^{\circ}C$), 추출시간(0분), 음용온도($60^{\circ}C$)에서 구수한맛이 많이 느껴질 때 높은 선호도를 보였다.
