A Study on Needs in the 6th Industry in Rural Korea

농업.농촌 6차 산업 정책요구 분석

  • Received : 2013.12.01
  • Accepted : 2013.12.20
  • Published : 2013.12.30


The study intends to be used as a measurement for revitalizing the 6th industry by surveying the recognition degree, needs, obstruction factors, and support measures of the 6th industrialization, with agents related to the 6th industrialization of the farming village field as its subject. orean agriculture is suffering simultaneously from foreign and domestic difficulties including pressure to open the market, aging manpower, and the vulnerable distribution structure. As a plan to revitalize suffering Korean agriculture and farming villages, the 6th industry has recently been receiving attention, and the 6th industry has been requested as a strategy that can create new added value which goes beyond the production, processing, sale of agricultural products. 6th industrialization is not simply a linking of the production, processing, and services of agriculture, but implies the comprehensive and organic fusion of 1st, 2nd, 3rd industries, the integration of the areas, and the creation of jobs and added value in the region by making interaction healing welfare and tourism into businesses.



Supported by : 국립농업과학원


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