How Can We Approach the Affective Quality? : A Study on the Affective Response and Structural Approach to the Affective Quality

감성의 이해를 통한 감성품질의 구조적 접근 방법에 관한 연구

  • Choe, Jaeho (Department of Industrial and Management Engineering, Daejin University)
  • 최재호 (대진대학교 산업경영공학과)
  • Received : 2012.11.25
  • Accepted : 2012.12.13
  • Published : 2013.02.15


Affective quality is considered one of the most influential factors for the competitive power of consumer products. Since the human affective response is very abstract and comprehensive, it is very difficult to understand and manipulate the Affective Quality in scientific method. This study suggested the three-level hierarchical structure of the human affection according to the human affective response process, and subdivided the Affective Quality into three subordinate concepts such as 'Organoleptic Quality', 'Affective Quality Factor' and 'Overall Affective Quality.' Also the categories of adjectives which used to express the human affections for the three levels of affective structure were suggested. The results of this study could be used as a frame of systematic approach method to the Affective Quality.



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