Development Characteristics and Supply Effect Evaluation of Urban-type Housing in Seoul

도시형생활주택의 공급특성 및 효과 평가 : 서울시를 사례로

  • 이재수 (서울연구원 도시공간연구실) ;
  • 성수연 (서울연구원 도시공간연구실)
  • Published : 2013.08.30


This study aimed to examine quantitative and spatial patterns of Urban-type Housing and to evaluate the supply effects in Seoul. It was introduced in May, 2009 to promote residential stability and ease the housing shortage for single- and two-person households. Major findings of this study were as follows. First, 81% of total residential units were one-room apartments and 62% were small-sized units less than $20m^2$ of residential area. Second, they significantly contributed to providing small-sized units. The portion of the small units increased from 12% in later 2010 to 89% in 2012. Third, most of them were located in the general residential zone (78%) and subway-oriented area (66%). Fourth, the rent to income ratios were 29.9% for single households and 24.5% for two-person households. Most of the respondents felt it burdensome to their income level. Last, a simulation of where suffers from the lack of parking space by occupation rates implied parking spaces were not problematic. However, they would be a headache in the future. Therefore, public-private partnership with the leading role of the public entity is necessary. Related regulations need to be reviewed and strategies for providing various unit types are needed. Either a guideline or an ordinance also needs to be prepared for sustainable development and management of them in Seoul.



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