Development of Rule-based Checking Modules for the Evacuation Regulations of Super-tall Buildings in Open BIM Environments

개방형BIM환경에서의 룰기반 초고층건축물 피난법규 검토모듈 개발

  • Received : 2012.08.25
  • Accepted : 2013.02.15
  • Published : 2013.04.02


IFC based open BIM has internationally developed as a solution for interoperability problem among different software applications. Despite much interest and effort, the open BIM technologies are rarely introduced to the construction industry and need more technical development for a practical application as well. This research aims to develop automated code checking modules for quality assurance process of BIM data. The research have analyzed domestic regulations focusing on super-tall buildings and developed open BIM-based code checking modules for the evacuation regulations. The modules are able to validate evacuation regulations such as installation of emergency elevator and fire safety zone. The authors expect to improve the process of BIM quality assurance and enhance the quality of BIM data by this research on automated checking system.



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