Development Process of Activities about Urban and Rural Interchange and Its Characteristics for Making Continuous Profit in Underdeveloped Rural Village -The Case of Cheonjang-ri(Alps village), Mount Chilgab-Region in Comprehensive Rural Village Development Project-

낙후농촌의 지속적 수익 창출 위한 도농교류활동 개발 전개과정과 특징 -농촌마을종합개발사업 칠갑산권역 천장리(알프스마을)을 사례로-

  • Received : 2013.05.05
  • Accepted : 2013.06.10
  • Published : 2013.06.30


The study area is Cheonjang-ri, also called Alps village, making continuous profit after performing Comprehensive Rural Village Development Projects. This study aims to determine the development process of activities about urban and rural interchange and its characteristics for making continuous profit by residents themselves. A focus on thinking about the process is necessary to make activities in order to achieve continuous profits in the underdeveloped rural village by residents themselves. As a result of this study, Alps village has developed new activities, improving problems which are encountered on the development process of activities. And, Alps village has developed new activities by linking them with previous activities. To improve problems, Alps village has made an effort by itself and cooperated with the subject, both inside and outside of the village. This way has been effective for increasing the number of visitors in village. Increasing the number of visitors in village has been effective in making a continuous profit. Also, continuing to make new activities in order to substitute previous activities including problems has been effective to increase profit.



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