Improvement of Screening System of Self-initiated Learning in Self-governing High Schools

자율형 고등학교의 자기주도적 학습전형 운영 실태와 개선방안

  • Received : 2012.10.31
  • Accepted : 2012.12.31
  • Published : 2013.02.28


The purpose of this study is to explore improving ways of screening of self-directed learning in self-governing high schools for expanding self-initiated learning screening system. To achieve the above aim, it was used survey method to 99 admission teachers of 12 self-governing high schools and analyzed responses with SPSS program. The research findings are as follows. To expand self-initiated learning screening system in self-governing high schools, it needs to obtain admission members of entrance committee, pooling of external screening members, quick decision of school admission members, increasing payment, training and understanding of the system and consideration of admission documents and study plan. Some improving ways of the expanding of self-initiated learning screening may be listed as follows: 1) development of screening model for self-governing schools 2) policy consideration for self-governing public high school 3) expanding autonomy of school 4) supporting budget 5) sharing of operation case and reinforcement of public relations.



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