A study on the Six-surface theory in Shang-Han-Lun - Focussed on the Ke-qin's Shang-Han-Lun-Yi -

"상한론(傷寒論)" 육경지면설(六經地面說)에 관한 연구(硏究)

  • Lee, Sang-Hyup (Dept. of Korean Medicine, Graduate School, Dong Eui University)
  • 이상협 (동의대학교 한의과대학 원전학교실)
  • Received : 2013.07.17
  • Accepted : 2013.08.16
  • Published : 2013.08.25


Objective : Zhang Zhong-jing's Shang-Han-Lun is based on Six-channels system(六經) to classified a disease, but the notion of this seems to be a very various angles. Among them, Ke-qin(柯琴)'s Six-surface theory(六經地面說) is very clearly explained the notion of Six-channels system(六經) and it provide crucial clue to understanding a Shang-Han-Lun Method : I will try to describe the Six-surface theory(六經地面說) through the Ke-qin's Shang-Han-Lun-Yi(傷寒論翼). At the core of this paper, The diaphragm is the most important criterion to understand a Six-channels system(六經), and it is based on the human body to divided into Yin-Yang(陰陽). Result : Ke-qin's Six-surface theory(六經地面說) is connected with Meridian system(經絡), Viscera and Bowels(臟腑), and their functions. It is the concept of comprehensive to including those related were grouped into the surface. Conclusion : Six-surface(六經地面) is far beyond the simple concept of Meridian, and it include organization of pathology concepts carrying up to what happens on the human body caused by disease. We can see that Zhong-jing's(仲景) medical treatment from syndrome differentiation(辨證) is associated with a holism(整體觀).



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