A Research on the Jeonuigam medical cadet in the late 19th century

19세기 후반 전의감(典醫監) 의학생도(醫學生徒)에 대한 고찰 - 『전함생도안(前銜生徒案)』을 중심으로 -

  • Park, Hun-Pyeng (Korean medicine six department, Hwasun maru convalescent hospital)
  • 박훈평 (화순마루요양병원 한방 6과)
  • Received : 2013.04.07
  • Accepted : 2013.05.28
  • Published : 2013.05.31


Jeonuigam(典醫監) is one of the Big Three of medical government office through the Joseon dynasty era. But Jeonuigam literature is extremely rare. This paper is to analyze 362 cadets of "Jeonham-saengdoan(前銜生徒案)" by writer of Jeonuigam origin. Jeonuigam filled cadet on a three-year cycle because the national examination for medical officials is conducted on same cycle. Most cadets came from a few meritorious family of medical career officials. Ratio of ten major family stand at 34.91 percent. 373 of the 392 cadets are confirmed as family member of medical bureaucrat. They have a very closed society. Wancheon(完薦) and cadet system strengthen the monopholy power of a few family. The analysis of study confirmed that in the 19th century Joseon(朝鮮) dynasty had monopolized the medical technicians.



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