Analysis of Articles Related STEAM Education using Network Text Analysis Method

네트워크 텍스트 분석법을 활용한 STEAM 교육의 연구 논문 분석

  • Received : 2014.10.07
  • Accepted : 2014.11.14
  • Published : 2014.11.30


This study aims to analyze STEAM-related articles and to look into the trend of research to present implications for research directions in the future. To achieve the research purpose, the researcher searched by key words, 'STEAM' and 'Convergence Education' through the RISS. Subjects of analysis were titles of 181 articles in journal articles and conference papers published from 2011 through 2013. Through an analysis of the frequency of the texts that appeared in the titles of the papers, key words were selected, the co-occurrence matrix of the key words was established, and using network maps, degree centrality and betweenness centrality, and structural equivalence, a network text analysis was carried out. For the analysis, KrKwic, KrTitle, UCINET and NetMiner Program were used, and the results were as follows: in the result of the text frequency analysis, the key words appeared in order of 'program', 'development', 'base' and 'application'. Through the network among the texts, a network built up with core hubs such as 'program', 'development', 'elementary' and 'application' was found, and in the degree centrality analysis, 'program', 'elementary', 'development' and 'science' comprised key issues at a relatively high value, which constituted the pivot of the network. As a result of the structural equivalence analysis, regarding the types of their respective relations, it was analyzed that there was a similarity in four clusters such as the development of a program (1), analysis of effects (2) and the establishment of a theoretical base (1).



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