Analysis of Users' Facility Preference for Mixed Land Use Development in the High-Speed Rail Station Areas

고속철도 역세권 복합용도개발을 위한 이용자의 시설 선호도 분석

  • 이수기 (한양대학교 도시공학과) ;
  • 성현곤 (충북대학교 도시공학과) ;
  • 최막중 (서울대학교 환경대학원)
  • Received : 2014.04.22
  • Published : 2014.11.30


During the past several years, the high-speed rail (HSR) system in Korea has changed people's long-distance travel behavior and transformed land use patterns in areas with high-speed rail stations. However, little research has been done to understand HSR users' characteristics and their preferences for potential facilities in the HSR station areas. This study aims to examine HSR users' facility preferences and suggest appropriate direction for mixed land use development in the HSR station areas. We conducted an on-board questionnaire survey (2,051 responses) of HSR users, including their personal characteristics and preferences for proposed facilities in the HSR station areas. Data on demographic and socioeconomic status, travel purposes and behavior, and accessibility issues to stations were also collected. The results of this study indicated that HSR users have strong common preferences for retail, dining, cultural, and leisure facilities regardless of their travel purposes. In addition, respondents who preferred office showed higher preferences for residential, convention, research, and public service facilities. Considering the high proportion of business travelers using the HSR system, this finding indicates the importance of mixed land use including office and its supporting facilities as well as commonly preferred facilities in the HSR station areas.



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