Case study of VR experience studying for smart education support

스마트 교육 지원을 위한 VR 체험학습 사례 연구

  • 김문석 (광운대학교 동북아문화산업학부)
  • Received : 2014.05.01
  • Accepted : 2014.05.26
  • Published : 2014.06.30


UX design e-learning systems in order to establish the reasonable structured modules that are based on interdisciplinary research. E-learning by focusing on technology-related education, information technology and psychology, business administration, etc. has been studied in the field. However, an important part of smart education, one of the students in the field of self-directed research is lacking UX design. UX Design the User Interface and Visual Identity is central to the success of the content of the important research areas in modern smart society. This case study is for smart education digital textbooks considered the characteristics of the study. Presented by the Ministry of Education on the basis of the standard of digital textbook content of the e-learning features, including multi-disciplinary analysis of UX design requires a structured model is proposed. Research data on the smart education and virtual education in UX design being used as the basis for studies forward.



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