A Study on the Reusing Model of Registered Cultural Properties through the Analysis on Usage Characteristics - Focusing on Individual Owner's Management Type -

등록문화재 활용현황분석을 통한 활용모델 연구 - 소유자에 따른 운영유형을 중심으로 -

  • Received : 2014.03.31
  • Accepted : 2014.05.19
  • Published : 2014.06.25


The purpose of this study is to propose the reusing model of Registered Cultural Properties on the basis of current use and management of it as the registration and use of these properties has been increasing recently.As a result, firstly, the composition elements of Registered Cultural Properties could be subdivided into usage type, participation subject, resource and management peration. These elements are significant as they are stating from owner. Secondly, the composition elements of the current used Registered Cultural Properties were investigated and the operation process was confirmed with results. Thirdly, through the investigation of current conditions, the management method was classified in direct management, consignment and lease with the proposal of the application model of registered cultural properties in accordance of the individual owner's resources and management type.It is expected that the model will be used as the basic data to set management peration subject and establish usage resource when registered cultural asset will be used in the future.



Supported by : 충남대학교


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