The Effects of Stabilization Exercise with Abdominal Breath on Balance and Oswestry Disability Index for Low Back Pain Patients

복식호흡을 병행한 척추 안정화운동이 요통환자의 균형능력과 오스웨스트리 장애지수에 미치는 영향

  • Son, Ho-Hee (Department of Physical Therapy, College of Health Sciences, Catholic University of Pusan)
  • 손호희 (부산가톨릭대학교 보건과학대학 물리치료학과)
  • Received : 2015.01.23
  • Accepted : 2015.02.09
  • Published : 2015.02.28


PURPOSE: This study was to investigate the effect of stabilization exercise with abdominal breath on Balance and Oswestry Disability Index for Low Back Pain Patients. METHODS: The subjects were 18 low back pain patients in their twenties. The subjects were randomly assigned into experimental group and control group. Control group and experimental group both participated in 30 minutes of stabilization exercise for 8 weeks(5 times/week), and experimental group participated in stabilization exercise with abdominal breath. The subjects were tested balance and pain using BioRescue and Oswestry Diability Index respectively, before and after intervention. RESULTS: The experimental group showed a statistical significance in movement areas of the body's center(p<.05), but there was no significant differences between groups (p>.05). The experimental group showed a statistical significance in movement distances of the body's center with eyes open(p<.05), and there was significant differences between groups(p<.05). Both groups showed a statistical significance in ODI between pre and post test(p<.05) but there was no significant differences between groups(p>.05). CONCLUSION: As a result, the group participating in stabilization exercise with abdominal breath had a more effective improvement than the control group. Therefore, the stabilization exercise with abdominal breath may be used improving balance and pain in low back pain patients.



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