An Analysis on the Relationship between Walking Activity and Cultural Facilities on the Street

거리에서의 보행활동과 문화시설과의 연관성 분석

  • Go, Doo-Hwan (Hanyang University, Graduate School of Urban & Real Estate Studies) ;
  • Choi, Chang Gyu (Hanyang University, Graduate School of Urban & Real Estate Studies) ;
  • Sung, Hyun-Gun (Chungbuk University, Department of Urban Engineering)
  • Received : 2014.04.16
  • Accepted : 2015.07.28
  • Published : 2015.08.31


The aim of this study focuses on the relationship between walking activity and cultural facilities. Recently, the researches on cultural facilities were found numerously in the directions of public cultural locations, dimensions of improvement, operation systems, and development. On the other hands, it is hard to find any research which is directly focused on the relationship between walking activity and cultural facilities. Therefore, the association factors between walking activity and cultural facilities in Seoul city are raised as the main discussion for this research. The data of New Address Project Database were gathered from Ministry of Security and Public Administration and Walking Activity Survey Data from The Seoul Institute. The multiple regression analysis was significantly used for defining the relationship between walking activity and cultural facilities. Finally, the results of this research show the significant value on the relationship between walking activity and cultural facilities which based upon the types of cultural facilities.



Supported by : 국토교통부


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