품(品)과 질(質)의 연원(淵源)을 통해 살펴본 현대품질경영의 의미

A Study on the Meaning of Modern Quality Management from the Etymological Perspective of the word PumJil (品質)

  • 투고 : 2015.11.19
  • 심사 : 2015.11.25
  • 발행 : 2016.03.31


Purpose: In order to use a word as academic terminology, we must first take a look at the meaning of that word as it is commonly used and then consider whether or not the connotation of that word is suitable to be used as academic terminology. Presently, the word Pumjil(品質) is being used as academic terminology occupying an important position in the field of business administration in Korea and is usually translated into English as 'quality'. The same is true in Japan. However, as is the case with many Korean words, the meaning that the word implies has a tendency to change gradually over time. This tendency can account for the changes or additions to the meaning a word connotes. Methods: This dissertation aims to escape from such biased ideas and study the meaning of 'Pum-Jil品質' from the view of humanities and exegetics. Then the natural definition of the word as far as business administration is concerned can be considered. Results: 'Pum-Jil品質' has been used amid changes in modern times(historic texts in both Korea and China. In Korea particularly, the word was used in the royal court until comparatively modern times.), and now it is also widely used in the field of business administration. In this process of change, a notable point is that 'Pum-Jil品質', which was originally used to mean 'nature or character of a man', took on a new meaning, 'a certain quality of a thing or a good'. Conclusion: 'Pum-Jil品質' should require basic functional 'quality' of goods or services as a prerequisite. And the functional quality should meet consumers' needs, as the pledge (trust; 信賴) for quality is between suppliers and consumers. Without consumer's trust for goods, the relationship between suppliers and consumers cannot be maintained. So goods must exchange with trust, not expenses. In conclusion, we believe it is reasonable to understand 'Pum-Jil品質' based on the meaning of 'evidence or similar rating for pledge (trust)' from the view of humanities and exegetics. In conclusion, we believe it is reasonable to understand 'Pum-Jil品質' based on the meaning of 'evidence or similar rating for pledge (trust)' from the view of humanities and exegetics.



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