A Study on Sense of Self-efficacy and Stress Encountering Strategy of Smart-phone Addicted University Students

스마트폰중독 대학생의 자기효능감과 스트레스 대처전략에 관한 연구

  • 백유미 (중부대학교 원격대학원 교육상담심리학과)
  • Received : 2017.02.24
  • Accepted : 2017.03.13
  • Published : 2017.03.30


The purpose of this study is to find out the difference of sense of self-efficacy and stress encountering strategy of university students under the stress situation depending on the smart-phone user group (addiction group, general user group). For this purpose, the study issues are established as follows. First, it has analyzed what is the correlation of smart-phone addiction, sense of self-efficacy, and stress encountering strategy. Second, it has studied if there is any difference of sense of self-efficacy and stress encountering strategy for the smart-phone user group. In order to verify such study issues, For 1,670 university students in the Chungcheong area, smart-phone addiction scale, sense of self-efficacy scale, and stress encountering method scale were administered. Looking into the study result, first, as a result of the relativity analysis, it displayed the correlation of preference of test difficulty, self-control efficacy and important negative from the smart-phone addiction and sense of self-efficacy. In addition, all sub-variables of smart-phone addiction and avoidance orientation from the stress encountering strategy displayed the important positive correlation, and from the smart-phone addiction, the virtual world orientation and pursuit of social-support displayed the important negative correlations, and all sub-variables (interference with ordinary living, virtual world striving direction, withdrawal, resistance) of smart-phone addiction and problem solving-orientation displayed the negative correlation. Second, as a result of verification for the difference of the smart-phone addiction group and general use group following the sense of self-efficacy, the general use group is shown to have higher self-control efficacy sense than the addiction group. And third, as a result of verifying the difference of stress encountering following the smart-phone addiction group and general use group, the addiction group is shown to be lower than the general use group in terms of social support pursuit and problem solution orientation with the avoidance orientation shown to be higher. This type of result is expected to provide the base data when developing the smart-phone addiction preventive education program by finding out in details for the characteristics of smart-phone addiction group for university students.



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