A Study on the Estimation of Conservation Value of Fisheries Resource Protected Area using CVM

수산자원보호구역의 보전 가치 추정에 관한 연구

  • Kang, Seok-Kyu (Department of Business Administration, Jeju National University)
  • Received : 2017.06.05
  • Accepted : 2017.06.29
  • Published : 2017.06.30


The purpose of this study is to estimate conservation value of fisheries resource protected area by the double-bounded dichotomous choice contingent valuation method. The data in this analysis come from a survey of respondents of resident in fisheries resource protected area using a proportional stratified sampling from the population. The questionnaires covered all the 5 fisheries resource protected area and the sample size of every protected area was 120 questionnaires. The survey period was from August to October in 2016. Above all, the average willingness to pay amount(WTP) per person of Namhae-Tongyoung I, Namhae-Tongyoung II, Jindong bay, Hansan bay, Cheonsu bay is estimated \6,215, \13,215, \6,405, \9,785, and \10,390 respectively. And, the total value of Namhae-Tongyoung I, Namhae-Tongyoung II, Jindong bay, Hansan bay, and Cheonsu bay is evaluated \108.8 billion, \357 billion, \118 billion, 210.2 billion, \ 245.8 billion respectively. Moreover, the yearly value of Namhae-Tongyoung I, Namhae-Tongyoung II, Jindong bay, Hansan bay, and Cheonsu bay is evaluated \6 billion, \19.6 billion, \6.5 billion, 11.6 billion, \ 13.5 billion. In conclusion, fisheries resource protected area has the higher conservational value. Consequently, it is essential for now or future generation's use of fisheries resources. In light of the fisheries resource protected area's value and importance, this should be promoted to the public including the local community who utilizes fisheries resource protected area wisely. Also, this suggests that the policy for fishery resource's creation and management is needed in fisheries resource protected area.



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