Exploration on Thinking Styles in Engineering Students

공과대학생의 사고양식 탐색

  • Yun, Kyung-Mi (Office for Education Accreditation, Pusan National University) ;
  • Hwang, Soonhee (Department of Liberal Arts, Hongik University)
  • Received : 2017.08.21
  • Accepted : 2017.09.19
  • Published : 2017.09.30


This research aims to explore characteristics of engineering students' thinking styles compared with those of undergraduate students in Korea. For this, we investigated whether there were differences of thinking styles in undergraduates according to majors and gender. 'Thinking styles', one individual-difference variable, has received particular attention in recent years. Styles are not abilities but rather refer to individuals' preferred way of applying their abilities in cognitive tasks(Sternberg, 1988). There has been much research(domestic and foreign) about thinking styles and their related factors. However, to date, little attention has been paid to engineering students' thinking styles, and few studies have dealt with them together with undergraduate students' of various majors. This study was conducted with a total of 865 students from 3 universities, and thinking styles have been measured online. Our findings show that firstly, there were significant differences in undergraduate students' thinking styles by majors. Engineering students scored significantly higher in external style, students majoring in humanities scored higher in executive, hierarchical and conservative styles, and students majoring in arts scored higher in legislative, internal and liberal styles. Second, there was a significant difference in students' thinking styles by gender. Male students scored significantly higher than females in judicial, global and external styles. Whereas female students scored higher than males in hierarchical and internal styles. Third, there was a significant difference in engineering students' thinking styles by gender. Male engineering students scored significantly higher than females in judicial and monarchic styles. Whereas female engineering students scored significantly higher in hierarchical styles. Based on these findings, it is expected to apply thinking styles to develop related courses as well as programs for engineering students.



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