Recognition of the 4th Industrial Revolution of Science and Technician and Women's University Students

  • Hwang, Eui-Chul (Dept. of Service Management, Kwangju Women's University)
  • Received : 2018.09.28
  • Accepted : 2018.10.27
  • Published : 2018.11.30


In this study, it is analyzed that keywords of the interest in the 4th industrial revolution for science and Technician K women's university students, areas to prioritize in the strategy of 4th industry revolution, to research compare analyze the recognition of science technology such as the most necessary education, human resource development of universities and companies in Korea and abroad according to the technology trend required in the 4th Industrial revolution era and which area to prepare for the 4th industrial revolution. The survey result shows different thoughts of science and Technician(KOFST) and the women university students. In the 1) 4th industrial revolution, the 96% of former are interested, while 60% of latter are interested. And in the most used keywords, the former group used AI(24%), Fusion new industry(21%) the most, while the latter group used AI(34%), Robot(18%). And, 3) in the strategic priority, the science technology experts are interested in education, R&D system innovation(27%), IoT, Information and Communication(26%) and the university students are interested in IoT, Information and Communication(31%), AI(28%). Finally, 4) the science technology experts thought of Autonomous Vehicle(20%), 3D Printer(7%), AI(16%) important, while the women university students thought of AI(27%), VR/Augmented Reality(17%), and Autonomous Vehicle(16%) the most necessary education. In the 4th industrial revolution, we need people with ability to solve complicated problems with creativity based on understanding and absorbing new knowledge and thinking of converged idea.


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Fig. 1. Current Status of Graduate School of Computer Science at Korean and American Universities

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Fig. 2. A Study on the Computer Engineering Dept. of SNU.(units: persons)

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Fig. 3. The most innovative technology

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Fig. 4. Most commonly used keywords

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Fig. 5. Prediction of the Fourth Industrial Revolution

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Fig. 6. The most necessary information in the world of science and technology

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Fig. 7. The most necessary education

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Fig. 8. The area of greatest interest(F.U.S.)

Table 1. Korea's 4th Industrial Revolution Strategy [12][13]

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Table 2. Germany's Industries 4.0 Major Concepts

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  1. "No more"It is going to develop future integrated human resources. World Daily, 2018.5.28.
  2. 'IT power' in semiconductor mythology … in the fourth industrial revolution4, Daily economy, 2018.1.24.
  3. 'The current education system is working...a destructive innovation', Seoul economy, 2018.5.11.
  4. Software Ignores Colleges…Facing the Bulls in the Artificial Intelligence War, Daily economy, 2018.3.16.
  5. 'Fourth Industrial Revolution, Sorry about the humanities 'IT Transformation', Dong-A Ilbo, 2018.7.24.
  6. 'Limitations of Human Resource Training to School Education', Seoul Economy, 2018.5.10.
  7. Future Korea, Finding Way in Education, Robot teachers do customized classes...AI age, Through simple knowledge injection, Seoul Economy, 2018.3.12.
  8. 'If you do not want to go to college, have an entrepreneurial viewpoint to your students.', Seoul Economy, 2018.5.11.
  9. 'Learning Outside of Class'…You need to expand the chapter of learning such as online, Seoul Economy, 2018.5.9.
  10. 'Manufacturing Big Bang' has already started, Daily Economy, 2018.5.18.
  11. Jae-joon Jang, Gyeong-kyu Hwang, woon-Gyu Hwang, What should I prepare for the Fourth Industrial Revolution, Hanbit Biz, 2017.
  12. Korea's Fourth Industrial Revolution, Daily Economy, 2018.5.18.
  13. Samsung, 180 Trillion Investments in Three Years … Employ 40,000 people. Dong-A Ilbo, 2018.8.9.
  14. Smart city, Need to collaborate in the field of engineering and humanities, /91434011/1, 2018.8.9.
  15. Konkuk University, Development of a prestigious private school by educational innovation, Dong-A Ilbo Addu Plus, 2018.8.9.
  16. Final election of five schools of SW central university in 2018, 837, 2018.4.3.
  17. Ministry of Employment and Labor, Fifth Report of the Fourth Industrial Revolution Committee No. 1, 2016-2030 Demand for Human Resources in the Fourth Industrial Revolution, 2018.3.8.
  18. 'Investment of 5 trillion won next year for 11 projects for innovation growth', Dong-A Ilbo, 2018.8.14.
  19. 'Let's grow our own SW specialist at one-tenth the level of Samsung in the U.S.', Dong-A Ilbo, 2018.8.10.
  20. 'The Future of Innovative Technology…Anticipation half anticipation half', Embrain, 2017.4.25.
  21. Korea, Interference with blockchain and drone carrier …Japan, Do everything , Daily economy, 2018.8.3.

Cited by

  1. 일부 보건계열학과 대학생의 4차 산업혁명 인식 및 준비도 연구 vol.11, pp.12, 2018,