Development of 'Sammany', a New Variety of Gomchwi with Powdery Mildew Resistance and High Yield

  • Suh, Jong Taek (Highland Agriculture Research Institute, National Institute of Crop Science) ;
  • Yoo, Dong Lim (Highland Agriculture Research Institute, National Institute of Crop Science) ;
  • Kim, Ki Deog (Highland Agriculture Research Institute, National Institute of Crop Science) ;
  • Lee, Jong Nam (Highland Agriculture Research Institute, National Institute of Crop Science) ;
  • Hong, Mi Soon (Highland Agriculture Research Institute, National Institute of Crop Science)
  • Received : 2018.04.12
  • Accepted : 2018.09.18
  • Published : 2018.12.31


A new Gomchwi cultivar 'Sammany' was developed by a cross between Gomchwi (Ligularia fischeri (Ledeb.) Turcz.) and Handaeri-gomchwi (Ligularia fischeri var. spiciformis Nakai). Gomchwi is a common Korean name referring wild edible plant species within Ligularia genus. 'Sammany' has purple colored petiole ears and petiole trichome is absent. It has 2nd degree leaf vein density. Plant height, leaf length, leaf width and petiole length were 46.2, 19.1, 19.5 and 32.1 cm, respectively. Plant height was higher than 'Gondalbi'. Bolting occurred in mid. July and it flowered from late August to early September. 'Gondalbi' bolted and flowered 26 days earlier than 'Sammany', and consequently has earlier flowering time more than 26 day. Leaf number of 'Sammany' was 156 per plant but 'Gondalbi' had 130. 'Sammany' had thicker leaves (0.61 mm) compared to 'Gondalbi' (0.46 mm). As a result, yield was higher in 'Sammany (1,077 g/plant)' than 'Gondalbi (798 g/plant)' and leaf hardness was lower in 'Sammany ($20.8kg/cm^2$)' compared to 'Gondalbi ($23.0kg/cm^2$)'. In addition, 'Sammany' was found to be moderately resistant to powdery mildew. With enhanced agronomic and pathology traits, 'Sammany' was newly registered as a new Gomchwi cultivar (variety protection no. 131 on May 2017).


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Fig. 1. Pedigree diagram of the new Gomchwi cultivar, ‘Sammany’. zSelection line.

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Fig. 2. Leaf shapes and characteristics on ‘Sammany’ cultivars.

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Fig. 3. Comparison of powdery mildew resistance between ‘Gondalbi’ and ‘Sammany’ cultivars.

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Fig. 4. Changes of air temperature during the cultivation of ‘Sammany’ cultivar in highland. E: Early, M: Middle, L: Late.

Table 1. Comparison of leaf characteristics between ‘Gondalbi’ and ‘Sammany’ cultivars

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Table 2. Comparison of average growth characteristics between ‘Sammany’ and ‘Gondalbi’ cultivars for 3 years

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Table 3. Comparison of flowering and yield characteristics between ‘Sammany’ and ‘Gondalbi’ cultivars for 3 years

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Table 4. Comparison of average leaf characteristics and resistance to powdery mildew between. ‘Sammany’ and ‘Gondalbi’ cultivars

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