A Case Study on Qualitative Efficiency of National R&D Projects: Focused on Agricultural Research Area

국가연구개발사업의 질적 효율성 분석에 관한 사례연구: 농림축산 분야를 중심으로

  • 김경수 (서울과학기술대학교 IT정책전문대학원) ;
  • 조남욱 (서울과학기술대학교 글로벌융합산업공학과)
  • Received : 2018.07.30
  • Accepted : 2018.08.17
  • Published : 2018.09.30


In order to examine the ways to improve the efficiency of R&D investment, this paper presents analysis on both quantitative and qualitative efficiency of R&D projects. As Korea's R&D investment has significantly increased in recent years, the efficiency of R&D investment has attracted attention. In this paper, a Data Envelopment Analysis(DEA) method is used to construct models for quantitative efficiency and qualitative efficiency analysis. Based on a cases of agricultural R&D projects of Korea, the efficiency of national R&D projects were analyzed and their quantitative and qualitative efficiencies are compared. As a result, statistically significant difference between quantitative and qualitative efficiency was found. Also, characteristics of Decision Making Units(DMUs) which can influence both quantitative and qualitative efficiency were identified. In particular, the stage of a R&D project has significant impact on R&D efficiency. This study suggests that in order to enhance R&D efficiency both quantitative and qualitative nature of outputs should be considered when measuring R&D efficiency.



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Cited by

  1. 국가연구개발사업 질적 효율성의 동태적 분석 vol.15, pp.1, 2018,