Influence of Tibial Rotation on EMG Activities of Medial and Lateral Hamstrings During Maximal Isometric Knee Flexion

  • Lim, Woo-taek (Dept. of Physical Therapy, College of Health and Welfare, Woosong University)
  • Received : 2018.10.10
  • Accepted : 2018.11.13
  • Published : 2018.11.19


Background: The hamstring muscles in the lower extremity are highly important for knee joint stability and can be classified into medial and lateral hamstrings according to the anatomical position, which have some different functions. To measure the strength of the individual hamstring muscles, manual muscle testing is clinically performed by dividing rotation postures into internal and external postures. However, this has no sufficient scientific background. Objects: This study aimed to test the difference that the tibial rotation would cause in the muscle activity of the medial and lateral hamstrings. Methods: The muscle activities of the biceps femoris, semitendinosus, and semimembranosus were measured in a total of three different postures (neutral position and internal and external rotations) with 3 replications. During the maximal isometric contraction, resistance was constantly provided by the string attached to the strap, not by manual resistance of the examiner. Before and after electromyography measurements, the participants underwent hamstring flexibility measurement using the active knee extension test in the supine position on the treatment table. Results: The semitendinosus had a 12.56% reduction in muscle activity in external rotation as compared with that in neutral position. The biceps femoris and semimembranosus showed reduced muscle activities in both external and internal rotations as compared with those in neutral position. Only the women showed significant decreases in the comparison between pre and post-active knee extension. Conclusion: Only the semitendinosus muscle was consistent with the anatomical speculation. However, the reduction in the muscle activity of the semitendinosus as compared with that in neutral position was only 12.56%, the clinical value of which may be difficult to justify.



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