Implementation of OFP initialization function in IMDC for FA-50 aircraft

  • You, Eun-Kyung (Avionics Software Development Center, Republic of Korea Air Force) ;
  • Bae, Chan-Gyu (Avionics Software Development Center, Republic of Korea Air Force) ;
  • Kim, Hyeock-Jin (Computer Engineering, Chungwoon University)
  • Received : 2019.01.16
  • Accepted : 2019.02.12
  • Published : 2019.02.28


Recent trends in modern warfare are increasing in importance for air warfare, information warfare, and warfare. The technology of the weapon system software is rapidly developing, and the silent information war to hack it is still going on. Currently, the FA-50 aircraft has a function that can be initialized by a simple switch operation to protect the main military information in the event of an emergency. However, there are limitations in the existing Zeroize function, and this study was carried out to supplement this. First, we compare and analyze the memory structure of aircraft operating in our military, and examined the currently implemented Zeroize function. Second, we reviewed various methods to overcome the limitation of existing Zeroize function. Third, we implement the existing Zeroize function without additional manipulation. In this paper, we propose that the implementation of this feature will enable us to protect our military data more securely and suggest that we should continue to look for ways to enhance security for our technology in the future.


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Fig. 1. Typical IMDC-2 System Overview[13]

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Fig. 2. GPM Address Space Map[14]

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Fig. 3. KF-16 Zeroize Function[15]

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Fig. 4. F-15K Zeroize Function[16]

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Fig. 5. FA-50 Zeroize Function[18]

Table 1. Flow chart of CEI frequency operation function of FC OFP

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Table 2. Flow chart of CSU

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Table 3. Test Category

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Table 4. FA-50 IMDC OFP Test environment

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Table 5. Result According to Test Case

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Table 6. First Sector initialization result of OFP Image

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