A Study on the Readjustment Plans for Solution of Conflict in Gaeseong Complex - Centering around the Inter-Korean Commercial Arbitration System

개성공단 분쟁해결 제도 정비방안 - 남북상사중재제도를 중심으로

  • 황보현 (한국공인회계사회 법무팀)
  • Received : 2019.11.10
  • Accepted : 2019.11.30
  • Published : 2019.12.01


In order to achieve full-scale economic cooperation between North Korea and South Korea, the Gaesong Industrial Complex should reopen first. In this case, the Inter-Korean commercial arbitration system should be clearly established to effectively resolve the disputes arising in the special economic zones of the Gaesong Industrial Complex. Even though the Inter-Korean Investment Security Agreement, the Agreement on the Resolution of Commercial Disputes between North Korea and South Korea, the Agreement on the Formation and Operation of the Inter-Korean Commercial Arbitration Committee, and the Agreement on the Formation and Operation of the Inter-Korean Commercial Arbitration Committee in the Gaesong Industrial District are in place, specific arbitration procedure is not concretely agreed upon and realized between the two Koreas. Therefore, the realization of commercial arbitration between them led by the Ministry of Unification or the government should be accomplished. In addition, it is necessary to consider the administrative trial or administrative litigation system in order to deal with administrative disputes that are not subject to commercial arbitration. Lastly, discussions on legal integration between the two Koreas should continue, focusing on the special economic zone of the Gaesong Industrial Complex, in order to prevent integration from being hindered by a different culture for a long time.



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Cited by

  1. 북한의 외국인투자법과 대외경제중재법의 적용범위 vol.30, pp.2, 2019,