The Impact of Artificial Intelligence Adoption in Candidates Screening and Job Interview on Intentions to Apply

채용 전형에서 인공지능 기술 도입이 입사 지원의도에 미치는 영향

  • Received : 2019.04.13
  • Accepted : 2019.05.28
  • Published : 2019.06.30


Purpose Despite the recent increase in the use of selection tools using artificial intelligence (AI), far less is known about the effectiveness of them in recruitment and selection research. Design/methodology/approach This paper tests the impact of AI-based initial screening and interview on intentions to apply. We also examine the moderating role of individual difference (i.e., reliability on technology) in the relationship. Findings Using policy-capturing with undergraduate students at a large university in South Korea, this study showed that AI-based interview has a negative effect on intentions to apply, where AI-based initial screening has no effect. These results suggest that applicants may have a negative feeling of AI-based interview, but they may not AI-based initial screening. In other words, AI-based interview can reduce application rates, but AI-based screening not. Results also indicated that the relationship between AI-based initial screening and intentions to apply is moderated by the level of applicant's reliability on technology. Specifically, respondents with high levels of reliability are more likely than those with low levels of reliability to apply for firms using AI-based initial screening. However, the moderating role of reliability was not significant in the relationship between the AI interview and the applying intention. Employing uncertainty reduction theory, this study indicated that the relationship between AI-based selection tools and intentions to apply is dynamic, suggesting that organizations should carefully manage their AI-based selection techniques throughout the recruitment and selection process.


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<그림 1> 연구모형

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<그림 2> 인공지능 서류전형과 지원의도 관계와 기술신뢰성의 조절효과

<표 1> 시나리오 상세

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<표 2> 평균, 표준편차, 변수들 간의 상관관계

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<표 3> 단계적 회귀분석 결과

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<표 4> 가설검증 결과

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