지역사회 통합돌봄의 실현을 위한 물리적 인프라 및 지표개발 연구

A Study on Physical Infrastructure and Indicator Development for the Realization of Community Care

  • 김현주 (서울연구원 도시경영연구실) ;
  • 이승지 (대학원 헬스케어환경디자인전공, 인천가톨릭대학교)
  • 투고 : 2020.10.16
  • 심사 : 2020.11.30
  • 발행 : 2020.12.15


Purpose: The first thing to be done in promoting community care is local diagnosis. Therefore, this study attempted to derive the physical infrastructure to be diagnosed, and to develop diagnostic items and diagnostic indicators applicable to this. Methods:: First, the physical infrastructure related to the community care is derived. And the diagnosis items are derived using the checklist of 'community support and health services' in the WHO Guide for Global age-friendly cities. Next, by analyzing previous studies, we develop diagnostic indicators for each diagnostic item and explore their applicability. Results: As a result of deriving the physical infrastructure for each area of housing, health service, and nursing care for community care, 22 facilities were derived for 9 types. Diagnosis items for the facilities are 1)regional equity, 2)proximity between facilities, 3)transportation access, 4)regional use, 5)barrier-free design, 6)diversity of facilities, and a total of 14 diagnostic indicators was derived. We reviewed and suggested the applicability of diagnostic items and indicators by each physical infrastructure. Implications: For the realization of community care, local diagnosis should not be limited to sim- ply grasping the presence or absence of facilities and the total amount. Instead it should strengthen capabilities by conducting diagnosis to understand the performance of facilities.



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