Social media big data analysis of Z-generation fashion

Z세대 패션에 대한 소셜미디어의 빅데이터 분석

  • 성광숙 (동명대학교 패션디자인학과)
  • Received : 2020.04.01
  • Accepted : 2020.08.03
  • Published : 2020.09.30


This study analyzed the social media accounts and performed a Big Data analysis of Z-generation fashion using Textom Text Mining Techniques program and Ucinet Big Data analysis program. The research results are as follows: First, as a result of keyword analysis on 67.646 Z-generation fashion social media posts over the last 5 years, 220,211 keywords were extracted. Among them, 67 major keywords were selected based on the frequency of co-occurrence being greater than more than 250 times. As the top keywords appearing over 1000 times, were the most influential as the number of nodes connected to 'Z generation' (29595 times) are overwhelmingly, and was followed by 'millennials'(18536 times), 'fashion'(17836 times), and 'generation'(13055 times), 'brand'(8325 times) and 'trend'(7310 times) Second, as a result of the analysis of Network Degree Centrality between the key keywords for the Z-generation, the number of nodes connected to the "Z-generation" (29595 times) is overwhelmingly large. Next, many 'millennial'(18536 times), 'fashion'(17836 times), 'generation'(13055 times), 'brand'(8325 times), 'trend'(7310 times), etc. appear. These texts are considered to be important factors in exploring the reaction of social media to the Z-generation. Third, through the analysis of CONCOR, text with the structural equivalence between major keywords for Gen Z fashion was rearranged and clustered. In addition, four clusters were derived by grouping through network semantic network visualization. Group 1 is 54 texts, 'Diverse Characteristics of Z-Generation Fashion Consumers', Group 2 is 7 Texts, 'Z-Generation's teenagers Fashion Powers', Group 3 is 8 Texts, 'Z-Generation's Celebrity Fashions' Interest and Fashion', Group 4 named 'Gucci', the most popular luxury fashion of the Z-generation as one text.



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