Relationship between muscle strength and dyslipidemia

근력과 이상지질혈증의 관련성

  • Kim, Seok Hwan (Department of Health Care Administration, Seoyoung University Paju Campus) ;
  • Kim, Mee Ju (Department of Health Administration, Seoul cyber University)
  • 김석환 (서영대학교 파주캠퍼스 보건의료행정과) ;
  • 김미주 (서울사이버대학교 보건행정학과)
  • Received : 2020.09.26
  • Accepted : 2020.11.01
  • Published : 2020.11.30


Objectives: This study was attempted to examine the relationship between hand grip strength and dyslipidemia. and it was analyze the effect of hand grip strength on dyslipidemia and discuss the problems that may occur. Methods: The study focused on 'the National Health and Nutrition Survey's 7th Year 1, 2, and 3 (2016-2018)' as their primary data. Among people who measured dyslipidemia and relative hand grip strength, 12,636 people were selected as the final study after excluding missing values. Frequency analysis, mean analysis, and regression analysis was used to determine dyslipidemia and hand grip strength indices according to the subjects' characteristics study and verify the research hypothesis. Results: Outcomes show that 4,542 (35.9%) of the subjects were dyslipidemia, and when the hand grip strength of the subjects increased by 1kg, Dyslipidemia decreased by 0.217 less. The result of subdivided and analyzed dependent variables presented that every time the hand grip strength increased by 1kg, the L-HDL -C decreased by 0.325 less, but it did not affect H-LDL-C and H-TG. Conclusion: In order to reduce dyslipidemia, it is essential to recognize the necessity of muscular exercise and fulfill it. Focus on health care, such as health conditions, health behavior, and make efforts to participate in health education. If so, it is expected to help reduce the economic burden, such as the treatment of dyslipidemia and improve the quality of life free from mechanical circulatory diseases.



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