Changes in Housing Quality and Residential Satisfaction Among the New Town Movers

신도시로 이주한 거주자의 주거수준과 주거만족도 변화 분석

  • Published : 1996.12.01


The objective of this study was to investigate changes in housing quality and residential satisfaction among the New Town movers. Numerous literatures pertaning to the subject were thoroughly reviewed, and a set of hypotheses was drawn therefrom. Methodology applied to the study included bivariate and multivariate analyses for both derivation of descriptive statistics and hypotheses testing. SPSS PC+ for window(version 6.2) was used to analyze the data collected by Korea Research Institute for Human Settlements(KRIHS) in 1993. The major findings are highlited as follows : 1) Regardless of the household income level and other characteristics housing quality has improved substantially by moving to new towns. 2) The level of residential satisfaction is increased as a result of moving to new towns. 3) Upward changes in housing quality strongly influence the change in residential satisfaction. Both variables to be highly correlated. 4) These most satisfied residents are those who moved to the large size of dwellings and they are mostly high income families.



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